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The kompang is one the most popular Malay traditional instrument, for it is widely used for all sorts of social occasions. This hand drum is most commonly played in a large kompang ensemble, where various rhytmic composite patterns are produced by an interlocking technique. Come, let's drum away!



Target Group

No. of Pax

Lesson Brief

At the end of the programme, participants will:

  1. Gain knowledge & understand the historical perspective of Kompang

  2. Develop a sense of appreciation & belonging to the Malay Arts & Culture 

  3. Learning the skill of playing Kompang & singing in a group ensemble 

90 minutes

Any levels

30 pax per session

Participants will get to know more about the history of kompang and experience playing the kompang individually and as a group.




Request for more information or a price quote from us today!

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